Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay is a Professor in Library and Information Science and Head, Department of Library and Information Science, Kalyani University. Prof. Mukhopadhyay, a recipient of Best Young LIS Teacher award (IASLIC), is an open source enthusiast and worked as a developer and promoter of many open source projects.
He has more than 100 papers in journals and conference volumes, and five books in his beeline. His recent book on Interoperability and Retrieval is published by UNESCO, Paris. Prof. Mukhopadhyay acted as a metadata consultant for the project NDL (National Digital Library) hosted by IIT, Kharagpur.
He is presently a member of the Advisory Committee for National Virtual Library Project of Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India. He developed VidyaOnline as e-learning portal for Vidyasagar University in 2006 and presently running three online courses in SWAYAM platform.