Dr. Padmanabhan Anandan - Jio Institute Skip to main content
Dr. Padmanabhan Anandan

Dr. Padmanabhan Anandan

Former CEO, Wadhwani Institute for Artificial Intelligence, India
Researcher Emeritus, Microsoft Research India

Dr. Anandan is a renowned researcher in computer vision and artificial intelligence. Dr. Anandan’s career spans over 30 years in academia and industry in the US and in India. Dr. Anandan was the CEO of Wadhwani Institute for Artificial Intelligence, an independent not-for-profit Research Institute focused on developing AI based applications for Social Good. Prior to that he was Vice President for Research at Adobe Systems. 

Dr. Anandan started his career at Microsoft as a principal researcher and head of the Interactive Visual Media Research group in Redmond, WA, in 1977. He then moved on to launch Microsoft Research India in December 2004 and became the managing director through 2014. He decided to return to Redmond in 2014 to lead the academic outreach group until 2016. Prior to Microsoft he was professor of AI at Yale University. He is a distinguished alumnus of IIT Madras, and the University of Massachusetts, and a member of Board of Governors of IIT Madras.

Research Interests:
  • Computing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Vision
  • Philosophy
  • Quantum Computing
  • Distinguished Alumni award, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2006)
  • Alumni award, IIT Madras (2010)
  • Distinguished Scientist, Microsoft Research (2010)
  • Hall of Computing, University of Nebraska (2010), University of Nebraska
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
  • Master of Science in Computer Science, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA
  • Bachelors in Technology (Electrical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
  • MJ Black, P Anandan, The robust estimation of multiple motions: Parametric and piecewise-smooth flow fields, Computer vision and image understanding 63 (1), 75-104
  • JR Bergen, P Anandan, KJ Hanna, R Hingorani, Hierarchical model-based motion estimation European conference on computer vision, 237-252
  • P Anandan A computational framework and an algorithm for the measurement of visual motion International Journal of Computer Vision 2 (3), 283-310
  • MJ Black, P Anandan A framework for the robust estimation of optical flow, 1993 (4th) International Conference on Computer Vision, 231-236
  • M Irani, P Anandan, S Hsu Mosaic based representations of video sequences and their applications Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 605-611
  • AG Barto, P Anandan Pattern-recognizing stochastic learning automata, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 360-375
  • K Toyama, D Vronay, P Anandan, Image exchange with image annotation US Patent 7,068,309
  • M Irani, P Anandan About direct methods, International Workshop on Vision Algorithms, 267-277
  • PJ Burt, M Irani, SC Hsu, P Anandan, MW Hansen System for automatically aligning images to form a mosaic image, US Patent 5,649,032
  • MJ Black, P Anandan Robust dynamic motion estimation over time. CVPR 91, 296-203
  • M Irani, P Anandan, J Bergen, R Kumar, S Hsu Efficient representations of video sequences and their applications Signal Processing: Image Communication 8 (4), 327-351
  • M Hansen, P Anandan, K Dana, G Van der Wal, P Burt, Real-time scene stabilization and mosaic construction, Proceedings of 1994 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, 54-62
  • M Irani, P Anandan, Robust multi-sensor image alignment, Sixth International Conference on Computer Vision (IEEE Cat. No. 98CH36271
  • R Kumar, KJ Hanna, JR Bergen, P Anandan, M Irani , Method and system for image combination using a parallax-based technique US Patent 5,963,664