Dr. Meeta Rathod Vansadia, is associated with Sarvajanik Education Society (SES), Surat for more than two decades. She is a librarian with Sarvajanik University, BRCM College of Business Administration, Surat and Hon. Director with Chunilal Gandhi Vidyabhavan, an eminent Research Centre of SES. As a Project Manager, she has successfully completed the project entitled “Digitisation and Preservation of Manuscripts” of Chunilal Gandhi Vidyabhavan. The project was fully sponsored by National Mission for Manuscripts, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, New Delhi. She is responsible for fully Automation and Networking of Eleven Higher Education Institutional libraries of Sarvajanik Education Society.
Dr. Meeta also carries more than ten years of teaching experience in the Library and Information Science Department of Veer Narmad South Gujarat University (VNSGU), Surat. Three research scholars have conferred upon the degree of M. Phil. in Library and information Science under her supervision. She is a member of the Ad-hoc Committee of Library & Information Science Department of VNSGU, Surat. She is member of Librarian’s Interview Committee Panel and also Member of Examination Committee of Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat. She has contributed/presented 22 articles and research papers in journal/book chapter/conference proceeding.
MANLIBNET- Librarian Development Programme (LDP) is the brain child of Dr. Meeta. The first LDP was organized in the year 2008 in BRCM College of Business Administration, Surat. As a National Coordinator of MANLIBNET – LDP, till date, she has organized/coordinated Thirteen Skill development programmes for library professionals in different region of the country. Through these programmes several Library professionals have been trained in different soft and technical skills. She is also Treasurer of MANLIBNET.
MANLIBNET Innovative Librarian Award is conferred on in recognition of her outstanding and exemplifying acts of Innovative leadership to the profession in general and MANLIBNET in particular, her unmatchable services to the librarianship in the country and numerous achievements during the course of her very distinctive and immaculate career.
She is also the recipient of MANLIBNET Best Paper Award at 12th Annual National MANLIBNET convention, held at IIHMR, Jaipur in 2010.
Dr. Meeta is one of the active members of “Kaleiodscope – An initiative to develop a literary culture in Surat City”. This is an exemplary programme carried out by Public- Private Collaboration of Kavi Narmad Public Library of Surat Municipal Corporation and Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Surat.